The Family Care Network's 8th Annual Miracle Miles for Kids
Welcome to the Miracle Miles for Kids Pledge Directory! Below are all the wonderful people and teams that are raising pledges for Family Care Network. Select the person or team you wish to donate or read their story of why they run.

Want to join your team? Simply click on your team name below and select "Join as a Member" at the bottom of their pledge page.

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 Team or PersonGoalAmount ReceivedNumber of Donations
Amy Talbert $250.00$0.000
Anna Brannen $100.00$150.0011
Brigadier Crazypaws (Rachal Pagel) $250.00$0.000
Cari Gordon $250.00$0.000
Casey Paige $250.00$95.003
Catherine Pruett $2,500.00$1,000.001
Cindy Piper $100.00$0.000
Coastline Fit for Kids : Coastline Fitness, Coastline Fit $1,000.00$10.001
Crista Carlson $250.00$0.000
Dana Holt $250.00$0.000
Danielle Frisco $250.00$300.008
Debbie Brewer $250.00$0.000
Debbie Buchanan $250.00$0.000
Debbie Chambers Meneley (Debbie Meneley) $250.00$0.000
Eden Haven $250.00$0.000
Elizabeth C (Elizabeth Casparro) $250.00$0.000
give change to make a change : Franco $1,000.00$0.000
Gabler Family (Christy Gabler) $500.00$200.002
gate keepers : gate keepers $1,000.00$300.003
Heather Hayes $250.00$250.003
Jackie (Jacqueline Mueller) $250.00$190.006
Jamie Baker $1,000.00$380.002
Jennifer (Jennifer Hall) $250.00$180.007
Kara Cormie $250.00$20.001
Kate Howell $100.00$0.000
Kate Howell $250.00$410.0019
Fit Happens : Kathy Longcrier - Fit Happens Team, Gordon Jackson, Kristen Longcrier, Nathan Couto, Wayne Longcrier $1,000.00$300.004
Kevalleci (Kristen Vallecillo) $250.00$0.000
Kevalleci (Kristen Vallecillo) $250.00$0.000
Kleaning Krew : Kimberley Kelly Grabowski $1,000.00$40.001
Kingsburg First Baptist Walkers & Runners : Kingsburg First Baptist Walkers & Runners, Crista Carlson, First Baptist Walkers and Runners, Lynn Dodds $1,000.00$265.006
Laura Mulgrew $250.00$260.005
Leah's Miracle Miles Walk (Leah Grantham) $250.00$155.007
Linda Reynoso $250.00$95.003
SMS Masterminds : Luke Wallace, Alex Minicucci, Danika , Geoff Chaney, Kristen, Ryan Stollmeyer $1,000.00$100.003
Mountainbrook : Margo Anderson, Jan Garrity, Kim Ernst $1,000.00$825.0015
Maria Dutil $250.00$290.006
May Mama's : May Mama's, May Mamas $1,000.00$0.000
Megan Mogull $300.00$0.000
Kesha Toler & Megan Mogull : Megan Mogull, Kesha Toler, Wendy $1,000.00$65.002
Tutu Much : Melissa, Leah Nelson, Melanie Schmidt $1,000.00$45.002
Monika Brockway $250.00$0.000
Morgan McNerlin $500.00$110.003
The SLOCO Locos : Natasha Noel | SLOCO Massage $1,000.00$0.000
Pam Carpenter (Pamela Carpenter) $250.00$260.007
Phuong Gunasayan $250.00$0.000
Rebecca (Rebecca Passage) $250.00$0.000
Robin Bender $250.00$125.007
Ruth Cook $500.00$500.006
Sara Vieira $250.00$0.000
Dom & Sheryl : Sheryl Buzzelli $1,000.00$290.002
Speedy Swashbucklers : Speedy Swashbuckler's $1,000.00$400.008
Team Jenny Craig : Team Jenny Craig $1,000.00$0.000
The Neers of Paso : The Neer Family $1,000.00$50.001
TheSpangGang : TheSpangGang, David spang, Jennifer Taylor, Jim Miller, Meghan Lee, Patti Miller, Paul Stemper, Stephanie Garcia $1,000.00$780.0013
Trinity PTL-Wachsmann Walk-a-thon (Priscilla Trejo) $250.00$25.001
Trish Avery-Caldwell $1,700.00$350.005
Vicki Stambaugh $250.00$100.001
VIP AmeriCorps San Luis Obispo : VIP AmeriCorps San Luis Obispo $1,000.00$0.000
We Walk 'Cuz Kids Rock : We Walk 'Cuz Kids Rock, Valerie Powers, We Walk Cuz Kids Rock $1,000.00$50.001
YPNG : YPNG, Miracle Mile for Kids- Carissa $1,000.00$25.001